Privilege, Power, and Difference
By: Allan G. Johnson
"Men dominate virtually every major organization and institution, from corporations to government to organized sport and religion, and for all the hype about "new father," men rarely feel as responsible for domestic work and child care as their female partners do."
When I read this quote I understood that in this quote it basically says that men take care of all the hard work and that men do not feel responsible to take as much care of a child as much as a women. This is relevant to the text because in the text it talks a lot about men and women and how their rights are not equal and by reading this quote it shows that it not equal.
"Whites don't want to look at racism, more men at sexism, nor heterosexuals at heterosexism, especially of they have worked hard to improve their class position. People don't want to look because they don't want to know what it has to do with them and how doing something about it might change not only the world, but themselves."
When I read this quote I understood that white people are afraid of other cultures improving their class position because they are afraid of how the world will change. This quote is relevant to the text because in the text it does talk a lot about racism and how white people do not like talking about racism and how others are afraid to express their selves.
"The first is based on what she calls unearned entitlements, which are the things that all people should have, such as feeling safe in public places and working in a place were they feel they belong and are valued for what they can contribute."
This quote means that their is always that one group that dominates just because of the social category that people relate you to. It also means that you can get a working position without being asked were you are from or your sexual orientation. This quote is relevant to the text because its mostly true the fact that white males are more likely to get a better treatment than another race r gender.
This video talks about Privilege, Power, and Difference. After I seen this video it did help me understand it more. She explains it in a way that I understand it easier.
My question would be why do white people have a problem talking about the racism that is going on? if that's what is really going on what is the fear? Also there is a part in the article that talks about how the author is with his black friend and he thinks about how he is white and he gets treated so much different than how they treat her. Doesn't matter how she stresses if she's polite or not they always treat her different because of her skin color. That bothers me because everyone should be equal.
I completely agree that everyone should be treated equal no matter what there gender or skin color is. The video really helped me understand the reading more. Thank you!