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Saturday, September 12, 2015

[The "F" Word] By:Kristin Rowen-Finkbeiner

BY: Kristin Rowen-Finkbeiner
"Abigail Adams famously requested that her husband, John Adams, "Remember the ladies," while he was drafting the declaration of Independence in 1776."
                            Declaration of Independence 1776, men had no consideration in such an important document there for women had no rights which meant that the first wave had to fight for women's rights such as voting. This quote is relevant  to the text because it states the beginning of a long fight for women's rights and appreciation.
"I don't think any movement has ever worked harder to include women of color then the women's movement in the 60's, 70's, and 80's."
                            The second wave was leaded in majority by white women, not because they excluded black women but because black women had a lot to deal with in the 60's, 70's, and early 80's. This quote relevant to the text because in the 60's, 70's, and 80's the civil right movement was trending in the same period of time there for black women didn't participate as much in the women's movement.

"The third wave brings together the seconds waves fight for women to have professional career opportunities and the idea that traditional gender roles and actions don't need to be thrown out the window."
                            This wave explains the way that modern young women think and feel about voting and gender equality. This quote relevant to the text because not every young women agrees to the fact that voting and gender equality are a concern to the feminist movement.
                      In this video its showing a group of men and a group of women dancing with a background song named , "This is a mans world," by James Brown which explains how the men worked hard and did many things in the world but that the world would be nothing without a women or a girl. I decided to put this video with the men and the women dancing because it makes you understand more what the songs is about. This video is very relevant to the content because in the article it talks about how women had no equality and how they struggled through feminism.

                       Lots of young women don't have the same drive about the feminism movement because they didn't go through the struggles of the women in the first wave which was fighting for the rights for voting. I feel that young women should have the right to decide what ever they want to do and to decided how they want to approach all of this. They shouldn't have to go through what the women went through just so they can have the right to vote.  I believe every young women has there own opinion in things and women should listen to what they think about what's going on. How is it fair that young women have to go through the same struggles that the women went through in the 1800's and early 1900's to become able to vote? 

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