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Monday, November 9, 2015

What are little boys made of? / Tough Guise 2

What Are Little Boys Made Of?
Michael Kimmel
1.) "To hear these critics tell it, we're no longer allowing boys to be boys. We've misunderstood boy biology, and cultural meddling-especially by misinformed women-won't change a thing. It's nature, not nurture, that propels boys towards obnoxious behavior, violence, and sadistic experiments on insects. What makes boys boys is, in a word, testosterone, that magical, catch-all hormone that drives them towards aggression and risk-taking, and challenging this fact gives them the message, Gurian says, that "boyhood is defective."
This quote talks about how they are saying that testosterone is what make boys. That they act in a aggressive way and they take risks because of all there hormones. 
2.) "Lets face facts: men and boys are responsible for 85 percent of all violent crimes in this country, and their victims are overwhelmingly male as well. From an early age, boys learn that violence is not only an acceptable for of conflict resolution, but one that is admired. Four times more teenage boys than teenage girl think fighting is appropriate when someone cuts into the front of a line. Half of all teenage boys get into a physical fight each year."
This quote talks about how men and boys are responsible for almost all of the violence happening in the world. They are more likely to start an argument and be violent for little things that's women or girls would not be violent to.
3.) "Feminists imagine, an demand, that men (and boys) can do better, Feminism offers the possibility of a new boyhood and a new masculinity based on a passion for justice, a love of equality, and the expression of a full range of feelings."
This quotes explains how feminists want to basically change men and change the way they think. They want to create peace and more love not violence.
Tough Guise 2
Violence, Manhood & American Culture
1.) Violence: Men and boys use violence and toughness to be known as someone who is a man and not "gay" which people use it towards men to mean weak. Men and boys use a lot of physical violence and this all comes from how they are raised. The video games they play, friends, parents, what they see around them, the bullying in school if your not tough. Men's attitudes come from somewhere and is everything that they see and learn. Most of the violence around the world are caused by men towards men.
2.) Manhood: Watching the movie I found that most children (boys) are forced or shown to be a man instead of a child. Boys learn from family members, friends, etc. to be men, to be tough, to not show emotion, to be basically  heartless. I see this as something that is wrong in this world a child should be able to express themselves how ever they want to but over the years things have been getting worse. The way manhood is shown over the years is getting to the point were children are growing to be violent men.
3.) American culture: Everyone in this world is different. Everyone has their own culture and different lifestyles. But in America everyone is mixed together and learn the same specially men and boys. They can have their own lifestyle but when they learn from other culture not everything learned is good. There are a large number amount of white people who try very hard to act black that way they can fit into the so called "tough" image they seem to see in black men. Spanish men have their gangs which brings out toughness as well. Most men don't see Chinese men as tough men but Chinese men are also trying to act black in other to have that tough exterior or to fit in.
Why do you guys think men have to have this tough exterior in order to be considered a "man"?

Saturday, October 17, 2015

"Something About the Subject Makes it Hard to Name," Yamato

"Something About the Subject Makes it Hard to Name"
"The ambivalence from the clash voices results in mental and emotional states of perplexity. Internal strife results in insecurity and decisiveness. The mestiza's dual or multiple  personality is plagued by psychic restlessness."
This quote is about the ways and how often we as Hispanic americans or mestizos are harass by the whites (anglos) and Mexican americans because mestizos are in between both cultures. This relates to the text because it explains the way lations born in the U.S feel.
"Around Latinos he suffers from a sense of language inadequacy and its accompanying discomfort; with; Native Americans he suffers from a racial amnesia which ignores our common blood, and from guilt because the Spanish part of him took their land and oppressed them."
This quote is about how we all have to join forces as women no matter what racial or economic status to make a change concerning the machismo among Mexican- Indians and any other race of women in the world. This relates to the text because in the text it talks about how women everywhere have to join forces to fight the oppression by men,
"It is imperative that mestizas support each other in changing the sexis elements in the Mexican-Indian culture."
This quote brings up some of the struggles and how much shame people bring on them selves.  People of the same race, the same sex gender, treats the homosexuals, lesbians and women in a bad way because of the simple fact that they are different.
I think that this songs goes great with this article. The name of this songs is ,"take me to church," and I feel that this song relates to the article because it tells a story of two guys that get treated in a bad way because of what they believe in, cause they are different, because they are vulnerable, and so are the mestizos, homosexuals, lesbians, and ect.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence (Late Post: My Blogger has been acting up!)

Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence
By: Adrienne Rich
I read this article but I didn't really understand it, it was very confusing to me but after reading everyone's blog I did understand it a little more and this is what I understood:
When I read the article what I understood about "compulsory heterosexuality" was that women are suppose to be straight (heterosexual) and not lesbian. That lesbian to the society is not right. After I read some of the blogs I understood that "compulsory heterosexuality" is that in our society that all of the women has to be heterosexual and not lesbian. I also understood that he thinks women are being forced into heterosexuality.
When I read the article what I understood about "Lesbian Existence" was that people in the world do not see lesbian existence as something positive or good for society. For example the quote below:
"The assumption that "most women are innately heterosexual" stands as a theoretical and political stumbling block for feminism. It remains a tenable assumption partly because lesbian existence has been written out of history or catalogued under disease, partly because it has been treated as exceptional rather than intrinsic, partly because to acknowledge that for women heterosexuality may not be a "preference" at all but something that has had to be imposed, managed, organized, propagandized, and maintained by force is an immense step to take if you consider yourself freely and "innately" heterosexual." pg.89
This explains how society sees lesbian existence as a "disease. Its sad to know that in this world not everyone can be free with there sexuality without being judged by others.
This songs I think is a great song that talks about how a women is going through something difficult and she is now fighting to change her life and ignoring comments from others. I think this song relates to this article because no matter of you are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or straight you should fight for what's right and for your freedom.
I think this whole article was very judgmental. I don't agree with may things that Rich said. My question would be why is it that some people are always judging about lesbians, gays, and bisexual if no one is perfect? And who said that being straight is something normal?

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Social Justice Event & Reflection #1

Rights and Wrongs: The Story of Women in Islam

October 7,2015
      This event was about how Islamic women are misunderstood, judged and how they feel women will change the world. Islam women say that they had great rights because they felt equal. They didn't have the choice to choose the husbands they wanted but they did have the choice to choose the clothe. Women didn't have to share their money with men. Women had the rights to own their own property. Women had to be covered and men were able to hit women. In the video it said that in the fake Qur'an it wrote, "Men are in charge of women, because they are superior of women," but in the original Qur'an it says, "Men are protectors of women."
      So basically everything that people say about Islamic women getting maltreated and being unequal is just a judgment from other people. People are interpreting things wrong. Women lived shorter lives and had menstrual cycles early. After a women was capable of having children she was considered marriage worthy. Women got used to their "uniform" scarf on the head which was worn at free will. A lot of Muslim women think is obligated to veil. Women veil sometimes only when they go out to be protected by men and to feel safe. Through the years women's veils was getting shorter because of the other women they see in other places. Wearing a veil is a sociological noise they have to deal with all the time. Today is different because of all the judgment.
     Men in Mecca said Median women were a bad influence. Women in medina were more free than women in Mecca. Women were more assertive than women in Mecca. The women in medina didn't follow the polygyny which was one husband with many wife's and women resisted that in medina.
     In the 6 century Arabs found their self in transition and made mecca their home.
     Muhammad a man who's parents passed away and had no education and married Jadisha was considered the messenger of God. Muhammad had many wife's but not for sex he had old women, middle aged women, divorced women, widowed women, women with children to help them. He did a lot of political marriages to avoid wars. Being a wife of Muhammad was a big deal.
Connection to 2 course text/themes:
     This video I think connected with ,"Generation M," and ,"Opression," because in the video Generation M it talks a lot open how women are judged for everything and how they are not treated fair. In Opression it talks about how women are forced, judged and maltreated. In the Islam video that I saw I seen all of the thing from Generation M and Opression because women from there have a lot of judgment, get forced, and are maltreated. Women from Islam say they have respect and equality but by the video and the information that I received I don't see it that way.
      This video is very interesting to me it talks about What Islam really says about women. It makes you understand a little more about how women are seen in Islam and how all the judgment has be influenced in their life's without being noticed. Also how Islam women are misunderstood.


LATE POST! (Blogger was not working) U.S.A., Land of Limitations? & People Like Us

U.S.A., Land of Limitations?
Nicholas Kristof

           This Article was very interesting it talks about many things. What really cached my attention was the story of his friend who was poor and because he was poor and came from parents who did no good he was considered someone who was going to die poor. He also said that very high percentage of your future most likely determines by where you come from. After going to class it made me understand more that the article was also about the system which was keeping people in their place.

           In the People Like Us website I found it very interesting I did see many things. The stories that I read interested me the most because it talked about judgment, resentment, and about making wrong decisions. I wasn't able to play any of the games but I did see some of the videos. The videos were very informative as well because it helped me understand how people think and how judgment is something that is effecting everyone.

I couldn't see anything in ,, it just sent me to a website and I didn't know what to do after that.

With the article ,"U.S.A., Land of Limitations?," and ,"People Like Us," I feel that economic inequity is a feminist issues because their always going to be judgment everywhere specially about women. Their is always going to be that problem were nothing is going to be fair. But in the Land of Limitations article it did talk about how a poor man was treated in a way were he would not progress but in People Like Us it shows a lot about how with men and women is different life styles. Women do not have the same opportunities of men do.

This video I found it interesting for this topic because in this video it talks about how welfare was created so that black people will stay poor.

With the Land of Limitations article I don't believe that when someone is born poor they will die poor. I have seen many people who were born poor and have gotten very wealthy and have died wealthy. But that's just my opinion what do you guys think about that?

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Generation M

Generation M
Thomas Keith
                 This video was about women empowerment, doll wars, idealized beauty, the pink and blue dichotomy, and misogyny and double standards. With women empowerment it talks about how women think that they have a power by sexually attracting men and men tend to think that most women have that power because of the way they look, dress and act. Doll wars was about how young women are targeted with adult messages through dolls and media. Does messages give the young women and women courage to do certain things just to look a specific way that is marketed on dolls and media. Idealized beauty was about how young women and women see all of these famous females who look a certain way that provokes men's attention in a sexual way.
                  This causes young women and women to changed their appearance because it makes them feel uncomfortable about themselves. The pink and blue dichotomy was about how some artists brands and institutions are trying to show young women the preciousness of true beauty by songs about how women are capable of doing different things and showing confidence in themselves without exhibiting themselves in a bad way.  Misogyny and double standards was about how certain rappers decide to make songs talking about a very rude way to talk and to act towards women and disrespecting them. Male rappers rather talk offensively about women instead of offending the black race because is easier to offend women and getting away with it.
This is a video that talks about how women are strong and how they have to do many things and work hard and still do things that men day they cant do. This songs s very powerful it shows how women can be strong.
When I saw this video I do agree with everything that it says. I do agree that the media has a big effect in women and how women try to change themselves physically to look like the women on the media. My question would be why are women on media always represented as skinny and perfect if no women is perfect? Also, why are women no respected as much as men are?

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Privilege, Power, and Difference By: Allan G. Johnson

Privilege, Power, and Difference
 By: Allan G. Johnson
"Men dominate virtually every major organization and institution, from corporations to government to organized sport and religion, and for all the hype about "new father," men rarely feel as responsible for domestic work and child care as their female partners do."
When I read this quote I understood that in this quote it basically says that men take care of all the hard work and that men do not feel responsible to take as much care of a child as much as a women. This is relevant to the text because in the text it talks a lot about men and women and how their rights are not equal and by reading this quote it shows that it not equal.
"Whites don't want to look at racism, more men at sexism, nor heterosexuals at heterosexism, especially of they have worked hard to improve their class position. People don't want to look because they don't want to know what it has to do with them and how doing something about it might change not only the world, but themselves."
When I read this quote I understood that white people are afraid of other cultures improving their class position because they are afraid of how the world will change. This quote is relevant to the text because in the text it does talk a lot about racism and how white people do not like talking about racism and how others are afraid to express their selves.
"The first is based on what she calls unearned entitlements, which are the things that all people should have, such as feeling safe in public places and working in a place were they feel they belong and are valued for what they can contribute."
This quote means that their is always that one group that dominates just because of the social category that people relate you to. It also means that you can get a working position without being asked were you are from or your sexual orientation. This quote is relevant to the text because its mostly true the fact that white males are more likely to get a better treatment than another race r gender. 
This video talks about Privilege, Power, and Difference. After I seen this video it did help me understand it more. She explains it in a way that I understand it easier.
My question would be why do white people have a problem talking about the racism that is going on? if that's what is really going on what is the fear? Also there is a part in the article that talks about how the author is with his black friend and he thinks about how he is white and he gets treated so much different than how they treat her. Doesn't matter how she stresses if she's polite or not they always treat her different because of her skin color. That bothers me because everyone should be equal.

Oppression By: Marilyn Frye

 By: Marilyn Frye
"The root of the word "oppression" is the element "press." The press of the crowd; pressed into military service; to press a pair of pants, printing press; press the button. Presses are used to mold things or flatten them or reduce them in bulk, sometimes to reduce them by squeezing out the gases or liquids in them. Something pressed is something caught between or among forces and barriers which are so related to each other that jointly they restrain, restrict or prevent the thing's motion or mobility. Mold. Immobilize. Reduce."
When I read this quote I understood that oppression means when women or men are forced to act or be a kind of way because of fear to get judged. For example If a women is sad but she does that show her true feelings in public because of fear of what others will think about her that makes her part of it. Also a person who is afraid to express their real sexuality but know that they will not get accepted by the family that I consider oppression as well. This is relevant to the text because the text its about oppression and I feel that this helps us understand oppression a little more.
"It is common in the United States that women, especially younger women, are in a bind where neither sexual activity nor sexual inactivity is all right. If she is heterosexually active, a woman is open to censure and punishment for being loose, unprincipled or a whore. The "punishment" come in the form of criticism, snide and embarrassing remarks, being treated as an easy lay by men, scom from her more restrained female friends. She may have to lie and hide her behavior from her parents. She must juggle the risks of unwanted pregnancy and dangerous contraceptives."
When I read this quote I understood from this quote that younger women especially that if they were heterosexually active they would get punished. Which means if the young women is wants to be with the opposite gender for intimate purposes. Basically they were treated as if the young women or women were whores just because they were heterosexually active and they would have to hide their actions from their parents. This is relevant to the text because I feel that in the text it does talk a lot about how women and young women have to be very careful of everything because they will easily get judged or punished.
"If one dresses one way, one is subject to the assumption that one is advertising ones sexual availability; if one dresses another way, one appears to "not care about oneself" or to be "unfeminine." If one uses "strong language," one invites categorization as a whore or slut; if one does not, one invites categorization as a "lady" - one too delicately constituted to cope with robust speech or the realities to which it presumably refers."
When I read this quote I understood that one is judged by the way that you dress and talks. It seems that one cant express their self through speaking or dressing because they don't know if one will be judged and get called something that they are not. This quote is relevant to the text because in the text it talks a lot about how people get judged quickly. Even if the other person does that know about each others life judgment is always key in the problem.    
I feel that this article about oppression of women is perfect to understand a little more about oppression. It talks about the origins of women oppressions, oppression through history, Material Basis of Women’s Oppression and the Reproduction of Labour Power, and Women and Socialism. When I read this article it really help me understand oppression more. I was a little confused about oppression but this article did make it clear for me to understand it a little more.
One thing that I would like to ask would be what do you guys think oppression is? Also I would like to talk a little about how in the article it talks about how people are getting judged because of the way that they dress and talk. Sincerely I think that everyone has different lives. Just because of the way that you dress or talk doesn't mean that you should be judged just because of that. But unfortunately even today that still happened. What do you guys think? Do you think that's fair?

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Fear of Feminism By: Lisa Maria Hogeland

Fear of Feminism
By: Lisa Maria Hogeland
"Older women may see the blacklash as temporary and changeable; younger women may see it as how things are."
                           Since young women were raised in the society we live today, most of them think that the only thing they know is the way things are suppose to be. This quote is relevant to the text because it shows one of the ways that women are scared or afraid about becoming a feminist because that's only what they know.
"Young women may believe that a feminist identity puts them out of the pool for many men."
                          Most young women are very insecure and they think that if they decide to better them selves men will not be attracted to them because men will inferior to them. This quote is relevant to the text because in the text it talks about how young women do not want to be part of the feminist movement because they're afraid of being judged.

"Allying across differences is difficult work and its often thwarted by homophobia by fears both of lesbian and being named a lesbian by associations. Feminism requires that we confront that homophobia constantly."
                        Some women are afraid to be part of the feminist movement because of homophobia, they are afraid to defend feminist simply because they don't want to be criticized or to be called lesbians in front of people because they are very insecure about them selves and they don't want people to judge them.
                      This video is about women insecurities, it relates to the text because in the text most of the young women are very insecure with them selves. They feel that they need to fix their insecurities because they don't like being judge, criticized, humiliated, or discriminated in front of people. This video explains how young women might have many insecurities but they should notice that not everyone's perfect and that they should accept their selves how they are.
                      I feel that in the article it talks a lot about how young women fear to join the feminist movement. Most of the young women don't join the feminist movement because they haven't gone through what the older women went through. But what I don't understand is the fact that young women would be scared to be judged. I feel that young women should express their selves and not be afraid of the comments others make because no one is perfect. Do you think young women should have to worry about what others think just because they are afraid to get judged and criticized? I think young women need to  recognize that not everyone is going to agree in the world.

[The "F" Word] By:Kristin Rowen-Finkbeiner

BY: Kristin Rowen-Finkbeiner
"Abigail Adams famously requested that her husband, John Adams, "Remember the ladies," while he was drafting the declaration of Independence in 1776."
                            Declaration of Independence 1776, men had no consideration in such an important document there for women had no rights which meant that the first wave had to fight for women's rights such as voting. This quote is relevant  to the text because it states the beginning of a long fight for women's rights and appreciation.
"I don't think any movement has ever worked harder to include women of color then the women's movement in the 60's, 70's, and 80's."
                            The second wave was leaded in majority by white women, not because they excluded black women but because black women had a lot to deal with in the 60's, 70's, and early 80's. This quote relevant to the text because in the 60's, 70's, and 80's the civil right movement was trending in the same period of time there for black women didn't participate as much in the women's movement.

"The third wave brings together the seconds waves fight for women to have professional career opportunities and the idea that traditional gender roles and actions don't need to be thrown out the window."
                            This wave explains the way that modern young women think and feel about voting and gender equality. This quote relevant to the text because not every young women agrees to the fact that voting and gender equality are a concern to the feminist movement.
                      In this video its showing a group of men and a group of women dancing with a background song named , "This is a mans world," by James Brown which explains how the men worked hard and did many things in the world but that the world would be nothing without a women or a girl. I decided to put this video with the men and the women dancing because it makes you understand more what the songs is about. This video is very relevant to the content because in the article it talks about how women had no equality and how they struggled through feminism.

                       Lots of young women don't have the same drive about the feminism movement because they didn't go through the struggles of the women in the first wave which was fighting for the rights for voting. I feel that young women should have the right to decide what ever they want to do and to decided how they want to approach all of this. They shouldn't have to go through what the women went through just so they can have the right to vote.  I believe every young women has there own opinion in things and women should listen to what they think about what's going on. How is it fair that young women have to go through the same struggles that the women went through in the 1800's and early 1900's to become able to vote? 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

About Me!! :)

                     My name is Jesenia Fajardo, I was born in New York Manhattan and moves to Rhode Island when I was 2 years old. I'm majoring in Graphic Design and I have my Associates in Arts. Over the summer I went to Dominican Republic to meet my boyfriends mother and part of his family. I also spent a lot of time with my friends and most of the time working. I'm taking this class because I would like to know more about whats going on around the world and just learn something new. When I'm not in class most of the time I am either at home or working. I text with friends, spend time with my boyfriend, visit my parents, or just basically do something that will entertain me.